Showing posts with label buddha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buddha. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's All in How You See the World

Otgonbayer Ersuu. (Wiki.)

I look back into the past and think and nod

Things remembered and things forgot

I shake my head and shrug my shoulders

All of that is gone

In all of the questions

In all of the events

All of those faces

All of those places and all of those times

Only one thing remains the same

That would be me, who I am and who I was

It is the basis for all of my terms of reference

But I still can’t tell you what I don’t know

I don’t even really remember all that much of it

I need some thing or some one, to remind me

In the future I will try to be a little more observant

It might be wise not to ask too many questions

And there are some things I will never figure out

But when it comes down—and sooner or later, it always does come down—

Then who is who

And who is what

What is true

And what is not

What is useless

And what you really need—


That’s really all up to you, baby.

I guess it’s all in how you see the world.