Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Arkona, Ontario.

Digital photo of Arkona, Ontario. Paint effects include sharpening, oil painting and render/stylize ('outline')features as well as adjustment to hues, curves, and brightness/contrast.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Covered bridge, Petrolia, Ontario.

This is a digital photo shot with a Samsung ST-67. I shot 29 images, not all of the bridge, which is located in a park in the middle of Petrolia, Ontario, population about three thousand or so.

The image was manipulated using a free download called PAINT.Net. The effects include adjusting the brightness and contrast, and the 'oil painting' effect, as well as 'sharpening,' located in the 'photo' tab.

It's good to get out of the car once in a while, and the temperature was about four degrees Celsius, a sunny day about 11 a.m. In winter and late fall, the shadows are always angled as we are about...I don't know, maybe forty-four degrees north of the equator.

Interestingly, one of the belts came off the engine, and I drove home with no power steering. We'll call it an adventure and leave it at that.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Edited for content.

Just because this photo has been edited for as he grasped her firm white buttocks content, that doesn't mean aardvarks live in the desert will like it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Big Louie's Poem.

I get messages from God and I just laugh.

It’s a coping strategy.

I’m writing this with one eye.

Backwards. With my left foot.

And I’m really drunk too.

Guilt is a terrible thing to waste.

Everything you see around you is a message.

What are you doing, Honey?”

“Screwing, Grandma!”

“That’s a good girl, just promise me you won’t smoke.”

We all lay awake at night worrying about stuff.

Into every life a little shit must fall.

You give me everything I need.

A Dutchman with a shoe fetish.

The cat tried to eat this.

Young men today have some kind of literacy problem.

The time has come to speak of many things.

In my day we’d take ‘em out back.

Some guys just don’t listen.

Bow to the inevitable—but twist it to your advantage.

A skeleton fell out of the closet.

You’re trying to tell me you need help.

What are you afraid of?

You have to understand the rules before you can break ‘em.

Pain is reality. Everything else is a cheap imitation.

There’s no such thing as a happy ending.

Respect yourself—if you can.

You get what you pay for.

Control your passions.

Submit and rule.

If I weren’t such an obnoxious dink, I’d have a lot of followers.

The Forrest Gump of angst.

I with I could find someone to look up to.

I eat cougars for breakfast.

No one cares what you think.

I write for the critics.

It’s just theatre.

The disabled want you.

That cynicism runs awful deep.

A paroxysm of creativity.

A shovel full of soap, sir.

When revelation hits, she hits with a bang.

Talk your way out of a wet paper bag.

“How do you like your coffee?”


Get a mouthpiece.

It’s hot, but, it’s the humidity what kills you.

Crime should be reported.

That way we get better statistics.

Don’t get mad, spin the fuckin’ table.

What are you implying?

Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.

Chicken Soup for Assholes.

A little boy’s voice crying in the dark, wet forest.

I have nothing better to do than to write for you people.

Promise me you’ll look after each other.

Your momma must have had some sour milk.

As dumb as two sticks.

It don’t mean nothing.

“Stuff it sideways.” – Cicero


It’s a poem—get over it.

“That was beautiful, baby.” – Cicero.

Paddle backwards, fast—like a politician.

Inside the bishop’s palace.

Pull out the big stick.

Ships and sails, puppy-dog’s tails.

Sealing wax, and cabbages, and kings.

Get it out—get it all out.

When in doubt, improvise, adapt, overcome.

Does this mean we aren’t friends anymore?

I played strip poker with forty penguins.

It’s all about you—right?

That’s the best I can do for right now.

Sorry about all that.

The show is over.

Hickory dickory dock; a mouse ran up my foot.

Come one, come all, one size fits all.

We have something for everyone.

Just do it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bitter Prophecy.

With deadly malice and unerring aim

The slender bolt, touched with flame

Into the thatch, so carelessly flown

The hand is revealed, the face still unknown

The raging flames by the strong winds are blown

Out of the smoke, straight through the pyre

An apparition, steps from the fire

His armour bright, the blade strong and true

Lo and behold, from his own dust and ashes

The Phoenix arises, all shiny and new

Surely he knows thee, and all of thy works

When it is time, for he always come back

To make short work of the likes of you.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Please Give Generously. The painter's song.

(Collection the author.)

Please give generously

To the guys who paint naked ladies

Got no money and I got no job

Wish I could say I was a working slob

Please give generously

To the guys who paint naked ladies

I can’t play the guitar very well

My singing voice it sure ain’t no hell

Please give generously

To the guys who paint naked ladies

Going downtown to the UIC

What do you know, but who should I see

Good old girl, never did me no harm

She don’t come around here no more

Please give generously

To the guys who paint naked ladies

I’m not asking for money for the song

I’m hoping you’ll pay me, just to shut up me up

Please give generously

To the guys who paint naked ladies, yeah,

Yeah, please give generously to the guys who paint naked ladies.

Yeah, Baby! To the guys who paint naked ladies

…c’mon, baby; throw somethin’ in the hat.

Here is my book, 'Selected Poems,' available exclusively through Smashwords and its distribution partners.

Working with Paint.NET: digital effects.

This is a simple digital photo taken with with a Samsung ST-67 camera. effects used for this pic are fairly simple, I used Paint.NET. This includes the oil paintiing effect, and then I used the 'relief' effect. I might have sharpened it up a little. The blue sky was done using the fill tool, (the icon looks like a bucket,) and I spray painted a few small touch-ups here and there in brown and black. -louis

Monday, May 28, 2012


In the beginning there was a great void, and a darkness as black as pitch.

Silence prevailed.

As yet nothing moved.

Starmaker looked upon it and it was well.

One place is as good as another and Starmaker approved.

Time started up with a lurch, and plodded forwards.

Matter began to swirl.

Heat began to radiate and mass began to coalesce.

Fields of energy began to flow.

And a star began to grow.

Space bent, and time was deformed.

Lo and behold, a new star was born.

First it was one, and then another.

Swirling nodes of matter in space.

And nowhere is down, nowhere is sideways, no place is above.

The glowing clouds, the creation of a race.

Velocity, momentum, electrical force.

Vectors, and gravity, and magnetism, of course.

Air, and water, sunlight and topsoil, and love…

And forgiveness, and children, and mothers and dads.

A world with spiders, and walruses, and lions and doves.

A place with grass, and trees, and mud and rain.

A place so special, a place so unique, could never be created again.

Starmaker moves on, the labour of continuous creation never done.


A French-language version of the poem appears at 'Les Shalako.'

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life is a garden.

"No man, you gotta keep going. What am I gonna do, quit? That's not an option. You gotta keep on keepin on. Life's a garden, dig it and you make it work for you. You never give up man, that's my philosophy."

--David Spade as, 'Joe DIrt.'

With thanks: Read more:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The silver sea.

Photo by Louis. Camlachie, Ontario.

The actual subject is Lake Huron. The photo was taken with an HP-317E. The effects include sharpening, and embossing. This was done with an old Microsoft photo editor from about 1993.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


From time to time it is important to remind ourselves of past glory

But it is even more important to remember who we are

And where we are going

We must pursue, and ultimately fulfill our destiny

And let lesser men stand aside.

When our time comes

Let them divert a river, and under it build us a tomb

And let us rest forever in peace

Frozen once again

In the safety of our mother’s womb.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A rustle in the long grass.

There was a rustle in the long grass

When the tiger came to eat me

He was slow and I was fast

With two good legs to take me

And there always is that sober thought

The tiger is just playing

He never seems to ask himself

Why do I even play at all?

For one of these days, the way things are going

One of us will surely catch up with the other.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Poem: Two Paths.

There are two paths.

One is easy.

And one is hard.

Which one, do you think,

Will be the more rewarding?






Sunday, February 26, 2012

Please pass the axe.

...then the awful fight began. (George Wright.)

From the Poetic Edda:

It sates itself on the life-blood
of fated men,
paints red the powers' homes
with crimson gore.
Black become the sun's beams
in the summers that follow,
weathers all treacherous.
Do you still seek to know? And what?


Brothers will fight
and kill each other,
sisters' children
will defile kinship.
It is harsh in the world,
whoredom rife
—an axe age, a sword age
—shields are riven—
a wind age, a wolf age—
before the world goes headlong.
No man will have
mercy on another

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The rain is falling, gently through the trees
A dove gives a mournful call
I wonder what he sees
Newborn child a-bawling?
Or just the futility of it all.
He told me once, a wise old owl
Very good advice, to get me through it all
The glass is either half-empty or half-full
It says a lot about you
The choices that you call.
The rain is falling, gently through the trees
A chipmunk sits there laughing
I wonder what he sees.

(Appears in Selected Poems, available from Smashwords and coming to other retailers soon.)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Frozen in time.

Frozen in time
My guts still churn
Approaching absolute zero
Thoughts speed up, not slow down
The impenetrable gaze, of a Sphinx-like calm
Looking off into forever
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What happened to me?
Did I quest too far, in the search for truth?
Now I know, all there is to know
There is no one to share it with
‘Cause I’m the only one here
One last shiver, the spasm lasts an eternity
I have arrived
And now—and now I can never die
The price of living is death.
Oddly enough I never feared death
I prayed for death, I begged for death—but the answer was no.
For it was love itself, that I was afraid of.
It was my own love I was afraid of.
All of the mysteries are revealed
All has been lost in the quest for meaning.
The circle is complete, and now I will be reborn, and just in time to forget it all…to forget it all.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The city at night.

The cosmos favours no one for long
The stars hang above us
With the starkness of bones
White and dead
Once the framework of a man
We carry nothing with us
When we return from whence we came
Where then is the good?
The laws of God are inscribed upon the hearts of men
Deny this if you can
There is no escaping the sounds of the city at night
A place of masks
You shall soon see
I lay this upon you, oh desert son
Let me see the coming of the stars once again
Under them lies our fortune –
And our fate
The time has come—the waiting is done
The winds blow, the storm strikes
Expect no answers from me.

Inspired by the fantasies of Andre Norton.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A humble aspiration.

When I got to a certain age, I began to reflect on some of the things that I had missed over the years. I'm convinced this is a common failing among men, but be that as it may, I came up with the proverbial 'bucket list.'

It was a time of introspection and self-examination, one not recommended for light entertainment.

Okay, so I never got married, never had kids, never had a long-term full-time job that lasted more than two or three years, and I still don't have any real prospects, and while I don't necessarily regret not being married, I do see the way parents look at their own children, with love and a kind of pride in their eyes and I sort of get, really, I do.

It's just something that I'll have to get over. But there were certain things on the list. For one, I would like to get laid again before I die. Is that so bad? Seems pretty humble to me. Almost practical really, for all the guys that go postal and wind up in the news seem to be dealing with a kind of unspoken frustration, perhaps status-related.

At the top of the list, was a bicycle. That's right, a bicycle. That seems like a pretty humble aspiration, but another common failing is the longing, or the attempt to recapture lost youth.

I'll be honest with you, a bicycle is not very good for picking up chicks, but that wasn't the real purpose, although I may have joked about it from time to time. It gives people something to talk about.

In some ways it actually worked, for I did things and went places that I wouldn't have otherwise.

At about $400, to own one nice new thing, is not unreasonable. It really is better to ride a bike two blocks to the store once in a while.

On this particular day, I probably rode about twenty kilometres. I found the big tree I like, and said hello. I stayed away from the house for two or three hours, and sometimes that's important as well.

My needs are simple, and my wants are not complex.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Spetznaz Woman

Spetznaz woman coming in your dreams

Spetznaz woman going to make you scream

Spetznaz woman want to see you burn

Spetznaz woman going to give you a turn

Spetznaz woman always plays the field

Spetznaz woman going to make you yield

Spetznaz woman leather and lace

Spetznaz woman sitting on your face

Spetznaz woman going to make you cry

Spetznaz woman laughing as you die

Spetznaz woman she’s back in town

Spetznaz woman, she’s the best around

Spetznaz woman she’ll make you fly

Spetznaz woman, you’ll never understand why

Spetznaz woman she make you squeal

Spetznaz woman, outstanding in the field

Spetznaz woman, yeah yeah yeah

Spetznaz woman, yeah yeah yeah

Spetznaz woman, never let you sleep

Spetznaz woman, gonna make you weep

Spetznaz woman, yeah yeah yeah

Spetznaz woman, yeah yeah yeah